Sunday, February 6, 2011


So here is where I can get it all out?  Finally.  Well, not that you want to hear about it but......I figure getting it out here will help me focus on the important things which are to make irresistibly awesome smelling perfumes.  Pretty sure I will be deleting this later so here goes.  I am working on two new perfumes, one is "Coconut Cream Pie" which will have a much smoother sounding name hopefully soon.  I'm thinking Cookoo for Coconut, yes, cause I'm a little cookoo.   Plus, already have that name for some of my body butters.  This is a difficult scent to obtain and I am so thankful I scouted out the scents for this.  I have always been a coconut fan!  The other one I am working on is called "Clove Cigarette".  It is to bring back some awesome, and not so awesome memories of my past.  Hopefully, it will be done soon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Coconut Cream Pie and Clove Cigarette are on my list! xoxo
